
If your boat is on a mooring we can regularly visit it to check its safety, security and overall condition.

You may like a weekly check, a monthly visit or one-off checks before or after a storm – whichever gives you the most peace of mind.

Our standard checks are:

  • Visually checking the security of the mooring
  • Accessing below and carrying out a careful visual check
  • Running up engine
  • Checking battery condition and charging
  • Emptying bilges
  • Checking that pumps are working
  • Checking the decks are clean and clear
  • Ensuring that covers are secure
  • Securing vessel
  • Reporting any concerns to the owner

We also carry out checks that are particular to individual boats to provide extra assurance.

The cost of gardiennage to a boat within the Falmouth Harbour limits starts at £52.50 + VAT per visit.

If you live away or are unable to check the safety and condition of your boat do call us on +44 (0)1326 374309 to find out how we can help.
