Terms of Business

Subject to which is undertaken and facilities provided

1.  Exclusion of Liability

(a) Quality of workmanship and materials: We will put right free of charge any defect in our workmanship or materials that may fall below the standards generally accepted in the ship repairing industry and which is brought to our attention in writing within 12 months of the date of the invoice covering that work or those materials but we will not in any circumstances be liable for any such defect in any material, equipment or procedures specifically requested by any client against our professional advice or which is not brought to our attention in writing within that time.

(b) Goods supplied: Except where the Owner is dealing as a consumer (as defined in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 Section 12) all warranties conditions or terms relating to fitness for purpose merchantability or condition of any goods supplied by us whether implied by statue or common law or otherwise are excluded.

(c) General: Neither we nor our employees shall be liable for any injury, loss, damage or delay unless the same was caused by our negligence or deliberate act or that of our employees. Subject to that exception all vessels and property entrusted to us are repaired worked on moved stored kept and managed at the sole risk of the Owner. The Owner should therefore ensure that his vessel and property is adequately insured against all risks and that he is himself adequately insured against third party risks and against damage caused by his vessel himself or his crew whilst on or about our premises or in or near the water or other berth in which the vessel may from time to time be moored. We accept no liability for consequential loss or damage. Persons entering on or using our premises or its facilities for whatever purpose and whether by invitation or otherwise shall do so at their own risk and we shall not be liable for any injury, loss, damage or delay sustained by such persons unless the same is caused by our negligence or deliberate act or that of our employees. Persons so entering on or using our premises or facilities shall themselves be liable for any injury, loss, damage or delay sustained by us or by our employees or property as a result of such persons’ negligence or deliberate act.

2.  Charging Rates

Our charging rates are as specified overleaf or as quoted separately on application to us by the Owner. We reserve the right to vary our charging rates upwards or downwards and if our work remains unfinished such revised rates will apply to the remaining work and our charges will be apportioned accordingly.

3.  Quotations and Estimates

We will not be bound by any quotation unless it is in writing and accepted by the Owner in writing within 7 days of its date and 15% may be added to or deducted from estimates.

4.  Extra Work

(a) General: The Owner will pay for work additional to that covered by an estimate or accepted quotation at our charging rates prevailing during the period of the work.

(b) Urgent rectification where the Owner cannot be contacted. If during the course of executing any work we find any defect in the vessel or goods which in our opinion requires urgent rectification we will endeavour to contact the Owner to obtain permission to rectify such defect but if after making reasonable attempts we are unable to contact the Owner we shall be entitled (though not obliged) to rectify such defect and the Owner will pay for that work at our charging rates prevailing during the period of the work.

5. Work by Owner

On vessel or goods entrusted to us Owners and all persons entering our premises within normal working hours must sign and note their times of arrival and departure in the Visitor’s Book maintained by us for this purpose.

Except for minor maintenance of a routine nature neither the Owner of any vessel nor the Owner of any goods entrusted to us nor any person engaged by the Owner shall be entitled to carry out any work on a vessel or goods without our written consent and on such terms as we may specify. Our consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Any such person shall immediately cease such work and leave the premises if requested by us to do so.

6. Moving, Redelivery and Launching

We shall have the right to move any vessel or goods entrusted to us to such place within or without our premises at such time or times as we may in our discretion decide. Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing and subject to paragraph 7 hereof regarding payment of invoices we will effect delivery of any vessel or goods entrusted to us within a reasonable time of completion of our work either at our yard or afloat or at such other place and at such time as we may decide. The Owner shall be responsible for compliance with any River or Harbour Authority rules and regulations relating to his vessel. Whereas we will endeavour to comply with the Owner’s requirements with regard to the place, date and time for launching his vessel we shall be entitled to decide the place, date and time and the Owner will if so required pay our charging rates for any work we may have to do to move other vessels in order to comply with the Owner’s requirements.

No props, shores or blocks are to be altered in any way without permission from Falmouth Boat Construction.

7. Payment of Invoices

The Owner will pay the amount shown to be due on any invoice rendered by us within 7 days of delivery and will not be entitled to remove his vessel or goods from our premises or from any other place in which we may have placed it or them unless he has paid any invoices which may be outstanding in cash or by cleared funds. If payment is not so made within 10 days of the date of the invoice, the Owner will pay interest on the sum due at 2% over NatWest Bank base rate in force at the date of the invoice. If the vessel or goods are not removed from our premises within 10 days of the date of the invoice the Owner will pay in addition our mooring or storage charges at the rate in force at the date of the invoice.

The Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977 shall apply with regard to our ultimate right to dispose of the vessel or goods for non payment of charges and with regard to the other matters mentioned in that Act.

8. Brokerage on Sale of Boats in Our Care

Except where the Owner has appointed us his agent for sale if the Owner shall agree to sell any vessel or goods while they are entrusted to us the Owner shall pay us an access charge of I % plus VAT of the sale price or of our estimate of the sale price and neither the Owner nor the purchaser shall be entitled to remove his vessel or goods until the access charge has been paid.

9. Definitions

In this agreement the expression “Owner” includes Chatterer Master or other person purporting to be authorised by the Owner and the words “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Falmouth Boat Construction Ltd.

10. Delivery of Notices and Other Documents, Including Invoices

All documents shall be deemed delivered to the Owner of a vessel or of goods entrusted to us 3 days after having been sent to him, her or it by pre-paid first class post to their last known address.